Thursday, October 9, 2014

manfaat buah biji kopi untuk wajah

Manfaat kopi untuk kopi beauty-  minuman yang berasal dari biji kopi yang diambil setelah pengolahan. Selain kefein konten dalam kopi, kopi ternyata juga memiliki beberapa konten yang baik untuk kecantikan seperti asam buah, lipid, asam organik, mineral, alkaloid, zat besi, magnesium, dan potasium.  
Sekarang adalah penggunaan kopi tidak hanya diperoleh dengan mengambil kursus, tetapi dapat digunakan secara topikal pada tubuh, terutama untuk kecantikan. Manfaat keindahan kopi misalnya, untuk mempercantik wajah, kulit, rambut, dan lain-lain.

Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat kopi untuk kecantikan yang dapat diterapkan sehari-hari tanpa perlu pengobatan yang mahal.

  • Mengurangi dan mencegah keriput pada kulit  
  • Mencegah jerawat  
  • Menghaluskan kulit  
  • Menyingkirkan selulit  
  • Membantu menghilangkan sel-sel kulit yang telah mati  
  • Nutrisi pasokan untuk kulit 
  • Menetralkan kulit yang teriritasi
  • Menghilangkan bau badan 

Setelah mengetahui manfaat kopi untuk kecantikan, jadi di sini akan sedikit mengungkapkan bagaimana menggunakan kopi sebagai bahan alami untuk kecantikan.

Kulit wajah Refreshing
Hal ini sangat sederhana, yaitu untuk mempersiapkan secangkir kopi dan dimasukkan ke dalam freezer sampai beku. Setelah beku mengambil dan usapkan pada wajah hingga rata. Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih dan rasakan sensasi wajahnya akan merasa segar kembali.
 Revitalisasi kulit
Siapkan sekitar 3 sendok kopi dan 1 sdt susu. Campur kedua bahan sampai dicampur sampai menjadi seperti pasta. Kemudian oleskan pada wajah seperti memakai scrub dengan gerakan memutar sampai rata. Diamkan sampai kering lalu bilas dengan air bersih dan keringkan dengan kain atau handuk berada di pat.
 Mengencangkan kulit
Bersihkan wajah Anda dengan mencuci muka dulu, lalu menggosok wajah memakai solusi kopi yang telah dibikin lotion menggunakan kapas. Diamkan beberapa menit lalu bilas dengan air bersih. Solusi kopi selain untuk mengencangkan kulit wajah juga dapat menghilangkan warna coklat pada kulit.
Menghaluskan kulit dan melangsingkan
Pertama bersihkan tubuh dengan menggunakan sikat tubuh khusus, maka luluhkan kopi yang telah ditumbuk kasar sambil mengusap seluruh tubuh sebagai scrub.
Rambut hitam
Siapkan sekitar mengambil 2 butir telur kuning, 1 sendok makan run, 2 sendok makan air hangat, minyak sayur 1 sendok makan, dan 1 sendok makan kopi bubuk. Campur semua bahan dan aduk, lalu oleskan pada rambut dan diamkan selama sekitar 5 menit. Bilas berikutnya dengan air hangat sampai bersih.
Anti selulit
Cara untuk mempersiapkan bubuk kopi dan diolah menjadi masker. Setelah itu, oleskan masker pada kulit selulit dan memungkinkan sekitar 15 menit kemudian bilas dengan air sampai bersih.
sekian artikel saya semoga dengan artikel ini kita bisa tau manfaat biji Kopi bagi tubuh kita selain kita minum kita juga bisa jadikan perawatan tubuh


how to get rid of dry skin on face

There are many traditional ways or naturally to moisturize the skin. Of material that is easy to material that is not easily found. And usually, the skin problem is an important issue for most women. Women can not be cool with it, a little different from men.

Pat the skin, such as  explain, there are many ways to do it. Moisturize skin with natural or traditional way

Moisturize skin with honey
Moisturize skin with honey, the way is very simple, just by adding a few extra ingredients to make it perfect. And some of them are very easy to do. Just choose, here's how to moisturize the skin with a honey base material, coupled with supplemental materials such as fruits.

  • The first way, using orange juice. Complete way, use 5 teaspoons of honey mixed with 5 teaspoons lemon juice. Next, mix until evenly then apply on skin that previously has been cleared. Just a few minutes then wash again using plain water. In addition to moisturizing the skin, it also can be used to make skin color more clearly.

  • Next continue to use honey, but for this one uses apples. Complete way, Prepare the apples are already removed the skin, puree and then add 5 teaspoons honey. Apply to the skin / skin of the face and leave on for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.

  • The third way to moisturize the skin / skin, use honey and bananas that have been mashed. Same way with the second way is to smooth the bananas then mix 5 teaspoons honey. Apply on skin 10 minutes or 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

  • The last of, using an avocado that has been refined, mixed with honey and apply on the skin. Let stand for ten minutes then rinse with warm water to get the skin moist.

In essence, how to use natural ingredients to moisturize the skin over almost the same, only the additional materials are different. Please handpicked how to moisturize the skin using honey easiest.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

weight loss calculator [slimming]

Having a bloated stomach is definitely not something cool. Especially for women who always want to look slim and sexy look. It can also make you feel less confident. Slim stomach certainly more beautiful and make us appear more confident.

Well, the question is how to shrink the bloated stomach? Is it enough to exercise alone? Actually a lot of ways to get a flat stomach, one of them with a particular exercise like sit ups, then the diet can also make the body more slender.

But here I am not going to take you on a diet or sit ups, but invites you eat. Perhaps you think that all kinds of food can make the body fat instead. It turns out that the assumption was wrong. There are several types of foods that would be able to burn fat and calories so as to shrink the stomach and
  keeps the body slim.

Here is a list of foods that are useful in order to shrink the stomach and slimming.


Avocado fruit is believed to be the fruit of the gods in heaven can help you shrink your hips. Scientists suspect that the unsaturated fat contained in avocados can increase delay hunger hormone called Leptin. This hormone can make your brain think that the body is full, so you stop eating.

Whole grains or oats 
Ready to swap your protruding belly with a slim stomach? Then replace your breakfast with ingredients derived from whole grains or oats. Research shows that these foods help shrink the stomach. The results also showed 3,000 men and women who switched to whole grains can get a flat stomach. Examples of foods that fall into this category are brown rice, quinoa, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads, and pasta. 


Beans are rich in protein sources flavonoids. In research for 14 years, this special shows antioxidant can help reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the abdomen. Shrink your stomach and your body with these foods.

Cayyene plate of chili or jalapeno or red pepper contains capsaicin, triggers the spicy flavor of chili, which scientists say could reduce appetite and reduce the amount of food later in the day. The same component in chili peppers can also eliminate fat reserves.


If you want to try tricks to lower the calories that easy and tasty, replace meat with mushrooms to any of your recipes. Automatically, you'll cut 420 calories from your food, in part because you reduce the saturated fat found in meat. And research shows the same fungus delicious and filling like meat.


Of all the foods that reportedly can lead to weight loss, grapefruit is the most famous. Research shows that this fruit can help get a lean body like a celebrity. Other research shows half of this fruit before eating a big meal can help people who go on a diet to lose a few pounds of body weight.


Nuts may contain a lot of fat. However, as pisctachio nuts contain healthy unsaturated fats. And like other nuts, pistachios provide additional protein and fiber. All this explains why pistachio is able to help people suppress appetite diet and lose weight.

Olive Oil

Oil rich flavor can be found in salads and marinades, single unsaturated fatty acid called Oleik. This acid triggers a complicated process in the gut that are directly ordered brain think you are full and make you stop eating. Olive oil diet also plays a role in heart-healthy meditteranian style.

Rice with vegetables

Adding high-fiber vegetables, such as broccoli and carrots on rice, would help lower the number of calories. But, not only that, add them to rice at lunchtime are able to slow the stomach becomes empty. The end result? You will feel full longer. In the study, people will reduce the number of dinner when they added veggies in their lunches.


Replace breakfast with a fat-burning foods, pancakes instead of better, replace the eggs of two grains. Based on research, beat egg carbohydrates in terms of filling and can make us resistant to not eat snacks. This is where the eggs proved able to help you lose 65 percent of body weight


The food is usually placed in a cup-shaped container contains a lot of calcium. Research shows calcium may help inhibit weight gain by helping the absorption of fat in the small intestine.

Okay, it's her way of slimming the abdomen and makes a slim body with food. Still, you have to carry a lot of exercise and lifestyle sehat.Baca also articles on how to shrink thighs easy. 


Monday, October 6, 2014

homemade facial masks [Facial shine Treatment]

homemade facial masks  White face, bright, soft, flushed, glowing is the dream of all women in the world. And of course Ladies also really wanted to just have a face as perfect as mentioned above. Moreover, we know that the face is the window that exudes personality liver implicitly through the care that we do  face. So ... .no will you say as a woman in a mess because of the face dull, not bright with black eyelids on both sides as well as pimples and blackheads decorate on many sides?! ..... Iiieeewwwwww ... ..
Well.. paranoid Ladies first, this time I would love tips for a beautiful face, bright, soft, flushed and glowing with a natural way and without the use of harmful drugs of course.

We know that beauty is not only treated from the outside only (physical beauty), but the inner beauty that we usually call inerbeuty also very influential on the beauty scale ourselves. So to get the perfect beauty, these 2 types of beauty must be balanced.
In Artiket we will discuss about how to make a beautiful face, bright, soft blush and shine from the inside out.

Outside treatment:

A good diet
Menghonsumsi many fruits and vegetables on a regular basis is very good for the health of skin health is no exception. Vitamins in fruits and vegetables is very influential in the rejuvenation and anti-aging facial skin so that the skin will stay healthy, moist and toned. Almost all vegetables well unutuk Buah_buahan and skin care, but it would be nice when serng consume more fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamin E, C and natural anti-oxidant substances such as red spinach, bean sprouts, green broccoli, red dragon fruit, guava, banana, kiwi and so on. Avoid consumption of fast food, sodas, artificial sweeteners, foods containing excess oil.

Drink plenty of water without cigarettes and alcohaol
   Water therapy proved ambuh for health menajaga body especially in the skin and organs of the body. White water as a natural moisturizer for the skin and cleanse toxins in the organs in the body. Consumption was at least 2.5 liters of water per day and setela Drink water immediately before waking and sleep. Drinking water in sufficient quantities will naturally moisturize the skin and prevent acne.
Stop mengkonsumsian cigarettes and alcohol. Besides draining the contents of the wallet to buy it, nikotil content and other harmful substances in cigarettes is not good for the health of the body and skin. Same thing with cigarettes alcohol is also something that is very harmful for health, sealing makes ketergantugnan alcohol have zal which will damage the function of the vital organs of the body. Very detrimental not.

Nurses face with natural ingredients
Facial treatments with natural ingredients are very good, ranging from facial cleansing to pemaskeran. Bersikan face 2 times a day when you wake up and before bed. Clean your face when you wake up gently so that the oil and grease on the faces of the missing, while before sleeping. Use a mild cosmetic products as a cleansing milk and toner. Try to choose a facial cleanser according to skin type. Padasaat cleaning face with cotton cleaning of the soft portion and full of feeling as if done with hard eajah it will cause the skin becomes rough and dull.
Use a face mask 2 times a week or 1 time a week. Face masks are useful for mengvecilkan pores, reducing the oil content, smooths, brightens the face. It is recommended to use face masks from natural ingredients such as fruits.

Ladies can try some of these masks:
  • Fruits thin cucumber cut and pasted the face within about less than 15-20 minutes to soften, refresh, reduce the oil and moisturize the skin.  Mask of tomato puree (can add a little honey) will shrink poresand helps removet acne on the face.
  • Mask of yam puree handy to brighten and smooth the skin.
  • Maker of egg white in add honey useful for and smooth the skin.  
The use of the maser would not be to long  approximately 15 to 20 minutes because if  too long then both substances contained in the extract mask will turn into an evil substance that is not even good for the skin. Make sure you do not speak or move when being masked face.
It is better to use natural masks from fruits or plants because it contains no side effects. While the instant masks that are sold in the market would allow  discrepancy occurs in the face, causing irritation, dry skin or cause acne

things that must be avoided.  
  • Too often hold the face can cause acne because when holding hands face germs get into the pores and cause acne.  Attaching  face when sleeping. Pillows typically come into contact with the skin when we sleep, unknowingly dead skin cells on your face will stick to the cushions, then pile up and eventually became the germs that can cause acne. So Ladies must be diligent washing and drying pillowcases pillows to germs that cause acne disappear.  
  • Too frequent washing of the face (outside ablution for the Muslims). Wash your face too often results in the process of discharge of oil on the face. Of the excess oil that could potentially clog the pores will cause acne.
  •  Blackheads or pimples will cause skin irritation and flaking as well as the enlargement of facial pores, on the other hand touching face with unsterilized will cause acne.  
  •  face with water immediately after exposure to heat or sun . Jump  face with water when just basking in the hot sun was a pleasure  but is something that must be avoided because it would lead to the emergence of white patches on the face
Sports and regimentation
  • Sports will be very good for the body. Of a healthy body and aura will shine a good freshness of the face. In addition to gymnastics for the body's health it is good we also do facial gymnastics in dedicated to muscles that keep the face fresh, flushed, glowing.
  • Regular life with enough sleep to wake up early and be very influential for the beauty. Often lack of sleep or irregular sleep schedule will result in n circle under or around the eyes. In addition, lack of sleep will cause skin to look dull and not shiny.
  • Strongly advised not to sleep after Fajr prayer for the Muslims because in addition will cause a decrease in blood pressure due to temperature changes, then it will make the face glow is not shabby.
Diligent bath
  • Bathing is an activity favored baisanya Ladies, in addition to indulge, was also a lot of benefits. Suppose indirectly bath can improve mood, menyegerkan bodies and natural relaxation. In addition, the water used for bathing is a natural moisturizer for the skin and also cleaning the germs from the outside that can disturb our health. Especially Kulita health and face. It is recommended to take a bath in the morning, around dawn or early morning before diasta 1 pm and afternoon, because in a healthy body believed membaut bright and radiant face. Try not to bath smpai above 6 o'clock 12 o'clock at night because it would cause such diseases beraga Add wind, bone disorders and rheumatism. Berwudulah or first wash both hands, legs face with water before mengeburkan water into the body for nerve -sayraf we betbiasa with temperature changes arising out of the water temperature. 

Treatment of the (inerbeuty)
1 Equanimity meditation

  • Beauty from within (inerbeuty) located on sobriety and virtuous attitude. Therefore the start of the behave good and sincere.
  • For peace of mind can be done with meditation, meditation on the inner mean the pacification process recommended by the respective religions for example for the Muslims can do dzikiran, ithikaq and remembering Allah. Or you can also do yoga or gymnastics gymnastics gymnastics-which typically uses meditation movement.
  • With peace and equanimity good attitude will accompany the development of the soul and perpetually faces automatically we will look glow, bright and charming.
2 Berwudhulah before bed
  • Ablution before sleeping and after  face will make us to be in a state of purity when sleeping. And of course God will take care of and love the sacred . In addition to the ablution water molecule is believed to be a natural lightening for skin and shrink pores
3. Shoal Establish timely and evening prayers.
  • Many hadith which states that the secret of beauty and keawet mudaan Muslim women are in evening prayers. Actually the most important thing, the easiest and fastest in peoses beautify themselves or make the face look pretty perfect is at this point.